
LED Ming 判斷力 判斷力不是憑空想出未的。判斷力建立在多聽、多想、多看的基礎,以及平日知識、常識的累積。其中,觀察力是一項最基本的能力。 觀察力,不僅要觀察其內在本質,也要著重於發現事物的變化。有意地細微地觀察它所具有的特征,注意常人難以發現的地方。 Email: ling711218@gmail.com --- Email: kim@chi-ming.org (智慧)(倫理)(研究)(發展) Www.chi-ming.com
Chi-Ming Electronics Corp. http://www.chi-ming.com Is a Taiwan company that provides innovative solutions in the field of lighting systems, including automotive bulbs, household bulbs, and indicator bulbs. Chi-ming is committed to the development of LED lighting technology, improving people's lives, enriching lifestyles, reducing energy consumption and impulsive environmental protection. Wisdom, morality, research, development Email: ling711218@gmail.com -----Email: kim@chi-ming.org