
LED ming 我們培養的小花圃,開出紫色花,紅色花朵,每天生活多了一點色彩。這些花草都有特別的香氣。 Wisdom, morality, research, development Email: ling711218@gmail.com -----Email: kim@chi-ming.org Www.chi-ming.com
Chi-Ming Electronics Corp. http://www.chi-ming.com Is a Taiwan company that provides innovative solutions in the field of lighting systems, including automotive bulbs, household bulbs, and indicator bulbs. Chi-ming is committed to the development of LED lighting technology, improving people's lives, enriching lifestyles, reducing energy consumption and impulsive environmental protection. Wisdom, morality, research, development Email: ling711218@gmail.com -----Email: kim@chi-ming.org