日本(NISSAN ) 智明電子公司的質量和發展,得到了 日本(NISSAN )汽車的認可 - 我們LED汽車照明已進入日產車燈更應廠商,為們投入更多測試檢驗設備優勢,以滿足客戶的需求。
Chi-Ming Electronics Corp. http://www.chi-ming.com Is a Taiwan company that provides innovative solutions in the field of lighting systems, including automotive bulbs, household bulbs, and indicator bulbs. Chi-ming is committed to the development of LED lighting technology, improving people's lives, enriching lifestyles, reducing energy consumption and impulsive environmental protection. Wisdom, morality, research, development Email: ling711218@gmail.com -----Email: kim@chi-ming.org