2024TAIPEIAMP展 智明電子股份有限公司秉持著品質至上、持續改善的經營目標, 致力於生產優質的卡車和汽車燈具。 我們將榮幸參加2024 TAIPEI AMPA展, 展示我們的最新產品和卓越品質。 無論是在設計、製造還是服務上, 我們都不斷追求卓越, 以滿足客戶的需求。 期待您蒞臨我們的展位, 共同見證智明電子的專業和承諾! #智明電子 #品質至上 #2024TAIPEIAMP展
Chi-Ming Electronics Corp. http://www.chi-ming.com Is a Taiwan company that provides innovative solutions in the field of lighting systems, including automotive bulbs, household bulbs, and indicator bulbs. Chi-ming is committed to the development of LED lighting technology, improving people's lives, enriching lifestyles, reducing energy consumption and impulsive environmental protection. Wisdom, morality, research, development Email: ling711218@gmail.com -----Email: kim@chi-ming.org